We endeavour to keep our fees as accessible and affordable as possible for our families, therefore you will find our termly fees significantly lower than many alternative acro and gymnastics providers throughout Christchurch. You are not charged extra for the 'speciality' of acro.
We have several features that make classes more manageable for families with multiple children and for those who attend multiple classes per week.
per term
per term
per term
per term
family discount:
First sibling full price - whichever sibling participates in the most classes, if applicable.
Second sibling 5% off term fee.
Third sibling 10% off term fee.
Fourth sibling 15% off term fee.
terms and conditions:
Term fees are based on an 8-week term and invoices will be sent within 2 weeks of term commencement.
Fees are payable within 7 days and any late payment without prior communication will incur an additional 10% charge. Continued non-payment without communication will result in your child needing to sit out of class and may result in your outstanding fees being referred to a debt collection agency.
Refunds are not available if your child pulls out halfway through the term or if they miss any lessons.
casual classes
We understand that life can get very busy and sometimes it is not possible to commit to a full term of classes. For those families who may only be able to attend a few lessons each term, we have casual class options.​
$20.00 Per Lesson for 45 minute classes
$15.00 Per Lesson for 30 minute classes
terms and conditions:
Casual payment is an option for only those students who can attend 5 or fewer lessons in a term.
Casual payment is not available for those who will only miss one to three lessons due to other commitments or illness. They will still pay the full fee to reserve their space in the class.
Late-term enrolment is available if the class has space. If a student joins after the 3rd week of the term then they will be charged the casual rate for all remaining weeks of term.
Sibling Discounts do not apply to casual rates
trial classes
A trial class is counted as a casual class which costs $20. This fee is paid on the day, in cash. If a student decides they enjoy the class and wishes to continue, then that amount is discounted from the term invoice.